A large-scale, real-world experiment has shown the risk of increasing ocean acidification to the Great Barrier Reef.

Tasmania’s three main salmon producers are in court this week.

Six people have now died in a rockmelon-related listeria outbreak.

Experts say a single marine heatwave has been found to have released around nine million metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere – an amount equivalent to 1.6 million cars driven for 12 months.

Australian scientists have developed a world-first, graphene-based filter that can remove more than 99 per cent of organic matter ...

Plans to build a wind farm between Canberra and Goulburn have been withdrawn.

Most Australians accept mining and have positive views of its economic role, but they hold low levels of trust in in the industry, according to a new survey.

Researchers have replicated a platypus milk protein in their mission to create new antibiotics.

Experts say the Federal Government’s health advice on PFAS chemicals must be changed.

State governments are investing enough in renewables to render the Turnbull government’s energy policy useless.

Researchers say a period known as the ‘Boring Billion’ is beginning to look a lot more interesting.

Councils are scrambling to avoid a recycling crisis, as China’s restrictions on foreign waste materials begins to bite.

Using data collected by citizen scientists, researchers have developed new algorithms to automatically detect bat echolocation calls.

Astronomers have discovered that galaxies rotate about once every billion years, no matter how big they are.

Australian researchers are using graphene to create fertilisers with lower environmental impacts and reduced costs for farmers.

New research shows krill can turn microplastics into nanoplastics.

The Land and Environment court has ruled the NSW Government's land-clearing laws are invalid.

The Greens have proposed banning the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2030.

Concern has been raised about coral bleaching in waters off the Northern Territory.

VicForests has been charged over alleged illegal logging.

WaterNSW has announced it will prosecute five people over alleged water theft on the Barwon-Darling.

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