The Federal Government has been criticised for awarding $444 million in funding to a small Great Barrier Reef group with big mining links.

AECOM says it is no longer working on the Adani project.

The Northern Territory has extended a moratorium on seabed mining.

A Senate inquiry has dubbed climate change a “current and existential national security risk” to Australia.

Victoria has released new oil and gas reserves for exploration off the west coast.

The resources minister says energy supply issues could lead to drilling for oil in the Great Australian Bight.

The Northern Territory has extended a moratorium on seabed mining.

A NSW department has given the green light to a controversial sand mine inside a PFAS contamination risk zone.

Scientists have taken memories from one sea snail and injected them into another.

Some residents have rejected a key part of a Victorian Government energy plan.

Territory Labor delegates have voted in favour of a ban on fracking.

Origin Energy says it will double the capacity of the Shoalhaven hydro electricity scheme.

A leaked government review has stirred concerns about plans for a series of coal mines in NSW.

Gas company Linc Energy has been fined a record $4.5 million for causing serious environmental harm.

Queensland Parliament has passed a bill to limit land-clearing.

South Australia's royal commission into Murray-Darling matters will not double up on investigations.

Environmental measures have been cut in week’s Budget announcement.

An expert panel has found there is limited or no evidence to link exposure to PFAS chemicals with human disease.

This week’s federal Budget locks in $535.8 million to help the Reef, and extra funding for Indigenous rangers.

Adani says it will shift away from using expensive imported coal in India.

Experts say mass carp culling could have a major impact on native flora and fauna.

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