Bruny plans battery fix

The Tasmanian Government’s energy company TasNetworks currently provides Bruny Island’s power by way of carbon-emitting diesel generators.
But a new research project has been launched that will see 35 batteries installed on the island to store solar power.
TasNetworks says the batteries will be ‘aggregated’, so that they function as one large battery that can be drawn in from across the island, as well as being linked to batteries installed in residents’ homes.
The federal Australian Renewable Energy Agency has backed the plan with a $3 million grant, which will allow residents to access heavily-subsidised battery systems.
Australian start-up Reposit is expected to be called on to allow TasNetworks to ‘talk’ to batteries in people’s homes and access their supplies when needed.
Authorities say the Bruny Island project will be an interesting demonstration of solutions that could be expanded nationwide.
TasNetworks hopes to have the full complement of new batteries hooked up in June.
Computer scientists, engineers, economists and social scientists from the Australian National University, the University of Sydney and the University of Tasmania will conduct their own investigations as the project rolls out.
TasNetworks hopes to have the full complement of new batteries hooked up in June.