A new climate projections guide has been released to support water resource management in Western Australia.

Developed by experts at the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER), the guide aims to assist scientists, planners, and decision-makers in using modern climate projections to address the challenges of water management.

The comprehensive guide, reviewed by key stakeholders such as the Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO, and Water Corporation, introduces a practical framework for navigating complex climate science. 

It is designed to improve technical assessments, providing water planners, modellers, and managers with tools to analyse water systems and evaluate potential climate impacts. 

Key elements of the guide include methods for selecting climate projection processes, assessing climate change consequences for water systems, and communicating findings. 

This approach is seen as critical for projects such as identifying new water sources, optimising irrigation, and determining priorities for ecological restoration.

Water Minister Simone McGurk noted that WA has long been addressing climate change impacts on its water resources. 

“The new guide reinforces this State Government's efforts to tackle the impacts of climate change on our water resources and makes the best use of the most up-to-date science,” she said. 

The guide supports the State Government’s Climate Adaptation Strategy, aimed at enhancing WA’s climate resilience.

Research also suggests that earlier investment in climate adaptation can reduce future management costs, making the guide a vital resource for the water sector.

More information can be found here.

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