Review of Energy Efficiency Opportunities Program
A review into the effectiveness of the Energy Efficiency Opportunities (EEO) Program has found that it is helping large corporations change their behaviour and reduce both energy use and emissions.
The Government has committed to extending the EEO program to all power stations, and consultation on this is underway.
The key findings of the mid-cycle review include:
- As a result of the EEO program, effective energy savings are being identified and implemented
- Evidence exists that organisations participating in the EEO program are changing their behaviour and procedures and improving their energy management systems.
- Participating organisations have reported benefits associated with the EEO program bringing greater rigour, structure and focus to their processes and systems
- The EEO program is reducing barriers to the identification of energy efficiency opportunities; however some barriers still remain particularly with respect to implementation.
Previously announced findings from the EEO program in November 2010, found that corporations have identified opportunities to save a total 113 petajoules of energy, or eight per cent of their assessed energy use.
Based on the findings of the mid-cycle review, the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism will shortly begin a consultation process on improvements that can be made to the operation and administration of the EEO legislation.
The mid-cycle review Report and Executive Summary, and information on the EEO program including the Continuing Opportunities report, is available at