Archived News for Green Sector Professionals - May, 2012
The Australian Government will trial the participation of energy networks and major greenfield sites as part of the Energy Efficiency Opportunities (EEO) Program to assess the potential energy savings available to these sectors.
“Under the existing EEO Program industry participants have reported annual net cost savings in 2011 of over $800 million and it is important that we spread the benefits of this program to other sectors where it can be proven there is a net benefit,” Minister for Resources and Energy, Martin Ferguson said.
The trials for energy transmission and distribution networks, major greenfield sites and expansion projects will be undertaken over the next 12 months and will include thorough consultation with industry throughout the process to ensure the development of an effective assessment and reporting framework.
“While the expansion of the EEO Program offers potential energy saving benefits to these sectors, the Government recognises the need to work collaboratively with industry to optimise outcomes for program participants,” Minister Ferguson said.
“During consultations undertaken earlier this year industry raised the need for more time to fully understand and appreciate how the application of the EEO Program will operate when applied to both energy networks and greenfield sites and the Government has taken this feedback on board.
“The trials will better inform how the program should be applied and the relative costs and benefits of program participation to these sectors.”
In addition, the Government will undertake a statutory review of the first five year cycle of the EEO program. This review will assess the effectiveness of the program in building energy management capability and identifying and implementing cost effective energy efficiency opportunities.
“In 2011, EEO Program participants reported that they have or will implement energy savings of almost 90 Petajoules of energy. This represents 1.5 per cent of Australia’s total energy use and is the equivalent energy use of 1.8 million Australian households,” Minister Ferguson said.
“While these are good results, it is important that we look at how we can further streamline the EEO program with the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting requirements to reduce the regulatory burden on industry while still delivering energy savings to business.”
The necessary EEO regulatory amendments to facilitate this trial will be tabled by the Government in due course in preparation for participation of the networks and greenfield sectors. The Government will consider further regulatory changes as required following the outcome of the trials and following industry consultation and feedback.
The Department will soon release additional details on the timing of the program expansion, including industry consultation and any expressions of interest from industry to participate in the trials.
Further information about the EEO program is available at
SA announces super agency
The South Australian Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the Department for Water will form a single agency after the State Government handed down its 2012-13 Budget.
GEMS legislation introduced to improve energy efficiency labelling
Federal Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Mark Dreyfus, has introduced the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (GEMS) legislation to Parliament following agreement between the Gillard Government, the New Zealand Government and states and territories.
AFGC hits out at container deposit scheme
The Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) has hit out at the planned introduction of a national drink container deposit scheme (CDS), labelling it as another tax that Australian families will have to bear.
Queensland announces green tape blitz
The Queensland Government has announced plans to significantly cut the state’s green tape, saying that the surrounding bureaucracy has ‘suffocated small business and cost taxpayers millions of dollars.”
Victoria opens biodiesel facility
The Victorian Government has officially opened the state’s new $4.8 million biodiesel at Shell’s Newport Terminal.
Rann to head Board of Low Carbon Australia
Former South Australian Premier, Mike Rann, has been appointed as Chair of the Board of Lower Carbon Australia.
Tasmania releases biosecurity review
The Tasmanian Government has released a review into the state’s biosecurity strategy in a bid to further strengthen existing quarantine efforts.
Government announces Ningaloo committee
The Federal Government has announced it will establish a community advisory committee to assist in protecting the Ningaloo reef.
MDBA releases updated draft plan
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) has released changes to its Basin Plan to ministers as part of the Authority’s process of developing the finalised plan.
WWF hits out at New Zealand
The World Wide fond for Nature (WWF) has hit out at the New Zealand Government, saying it is continuing 20 years of environmental neglect and broken promises.
Clean Technology Investment expert committee appointed
The Minister Assisting for Industry and Innovation, Senator Kate Lundy, has announced the appointment of an independent expert committee to help Innovation Australia deliver the $1 billion Clean Technology Investment programs.
IEA praises Energy Efficiency Program
The International Energy Agency (IEA) has praised the Federal Government’s Energy Efficiency Opportunities (EEIO Program, describing it as a successful example of how government policy can work with industry to reduce energy use.
Impact of carbon price on landfill emissions clarified
The Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Mark Dreyfus, has released a statement on how the carbon price will apply to pollution from local landfill sites and the potential impact this might have on rates for local communities.
Plantation log growth offsets native log decline
The volume of logs harvested in Australia increased by 3.6 per cent in 2010–11, the first increase in three years, taking the total value of logs harvested in 2010-11 to over $1.8 billion.
Queensland pulls support for Cloncurry Solar Farm
The Queensland Government has announced it has withdrawn financial support for the Cloncurry Solar Farm as part of the state’s ongoing cost cutting.
New Indigenous Protected Area formed
The Federal Government has officiated the formation of the new Yanyuwa Indigenous Protected Area in the Gulf of Carpentaria.
Victoria to end Yarra waste discharge
The Victorian Government has announced an agreement that will stop the last discharge of industrial wastewater into the Yarra River.
WA EPA approves state's first uranium mine
The Western Australian Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced it has granted approval to Toro Energy to construct the state’s first uranium mine, after the proposal was ‘meticulously examined by the board.’
Yarwun declared significant
The Queensland Coordinator-General has declared the $2.2 billion coal terminal at Yarwun in the Port of Gladstone a ‘significant project’, meaning the project will now undergo an environmental assessment.
Victoria pushes for less environmental flows
The Victorian Government has released modelling that it says shows that the health of the Murray River can be secured using significantly less water for environmental flow.