Archived News for Green Sector Professionals - October, 2015
Researchers say rising sea levels could take a big toll on freshwater fish species in Kakadu National Park.
Turtles step out in tiny science suits
Sea turtles are testing out the latest in summer swimsuit fashion, as part of a project to find out more about their eating habits.
Massive fine settled after big BP spill
US Courts have ordered BP to pay more than $US20 billion ($AU28 billion) in fines from the deadly Gulf of Mexico oil spill five years ago.
Drone port plan could bring big Rwandan boost
A group of architects and developers have proposed building a series of ‘drone port’ that would allow cargo drones to get essential supplies to rural parts of Africa.
New funds for more Sun
The Federal Government has provided nearly half a million dollars to support solar power development.
Owners say coal plan ignores cultural needs
The traditional owners of the Galilee Basin want to stop the Adani Carmichael coal mining project, and are taking their concerns to the United Nations.
Shell boss backs carbon price, a bit
Shell's global chief executive says the world needs to put a price on carbon.
Tassie planning proposal gets green groups riled
Tasmanian community environmental groups say the state’s new planning scheme will destroy their ability to influence planning decisions.
ACCC chases local VW disclosure
The ACCC says it will go to great lengths to find out whether the Volkswagen scandal involves Australian customers.
Greens want to know cost of old coal
Greens leader Richard Di Natale says a massive audit should be undertaken across the country to work out whether state governments have the money to cover mine rehabilitation.