Archived News for Green Sector Professionals - October, 2021
The Victorian Government has partnered with Traditional Owners on a new water strategy.
Study estimates global exposure
Computer modelling suggests 85 per cent of the world’s population is exposed to the impacts of climate change.
RMIT improves upcycling
Australian researchers are working on a smarter way of dealing with plastic waste.
BHP boss calls for carbon subtlety
BHP boss Mike Henry says the world’s sustainability drive could actually hamper its decarbonisation agenda.
Grattan backs offsets
Experts say the Federal Government must look at carbon offsets as essential for Australia to reach net zero emissions.
QLD outlines hydrogen hub
Queensland says it can double the world's green hydrogen production capacity with a single project.
Taylor rejects BCA's call
Energy Minister Angus Taylor says Australia’s business leaders have proposed a “backdoor carbon tax”.
NT issues green plan
The Northern Territory government wants to reach 50 per cent renewables in its largest power grid by the end of the decade.
Ancient eagle uncovered in SA
Evidence of Australia's oldest eagle has been uncovered in the desert.
Artificial reef effects checked
Australian researchers say they have worked out why artificial reefs attract more baitfish than natural reefs.
Bacteria wipes out pest bug
Australian researchers have managed to eliminate a pest mosquito species.
Daintree returned to original owners
More than 160,000 hectares of Far North Queensland has been handed back to its traditional owners.
Sewage subs exported
SA Water’s COVID-19 wastewater monitoring program is being exported interstate and overseas.
WA asked for more park data
There is a call this week for more information on the planned South Coast Marine Park.
Dam plan slammed
The NSW Government has been accused of changing its dam-raising plans to avoid paying compensation.
China demands winter supplies
China’s central government officials have ordered state-owned energy companies to secure supplies for winter at all costs.