Archived News for Green Sector Professionals - November, 2017
Tasmanian researchers have found a living throwback to one of the earliest lifeforms on Earth.
Great big Reef check begins
Researchers have embarked on a multi-phase project to save the Great Barrier Reef from further damage.
Livestock's contribution increased
New research suggests livestock have been directly responsible for about 23 per cent of annual global warming.
MDBA puts up amendments
The Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) has proposed amendments to the Murray–Darling Basin Plan.
Pigeon's wings have second function
Many animals sound an alarm to alert others of impending danger, but it appears that crested pigeons do this in a surprisingly non-vocal way.
SA pushes for portfolio split
Both sides of SA Parliament are coming together to convince the Federal Government to split the water and agriculture portfolios.
Shark study gets high-tech
Researchers have attached Fitbit components to sharks to aid in monitoring and conservation.
Tassal backs off dump plans
Tassal says it will not dump treated wastewater from its Macquarie Harbour pens back into the harbour.
Five face mine fire charges
The owners of Victoria's Hazelwood coal mine will face accusations of causing air pollution during a mine fire.
Locals want more PFAS advice
The NT Government has been accused of leaving Katherine's medical staff in the lurch about the health risks posed by PFAS chemical contamination in the town's water supply.
Report plots path to clean power
New research suggests global electricity industry C02 emissions could be brought to zero by 2050.
Wind farm gets battery backing
A major Australian windfarm is adding non-subsidised battery storage.
BHP moving away from MCA
The world’s biggest mining company has told conservationists it is not fully on board with the industry’s major lobby.
LGA pushes NRM Levy
South Australian political parties have been called on to commit to collecting the natural resource management levy at the state level.
Chemical linked to first life
Researchers may have discovered the chemical spark that led to life on Earth.
Experts assess crops for dry times
Researchers have looked at the most water-efficient crops for the future of agriculture.
UN says records to be set
The UN says it is very likely that 2017 will be one of the three hottest years on record.
Victorian tree-clearing paused
Victorian conservationists have won an injunction stopping the clearing of old-growth trees in the Kuark forest.
Coral review covers WA hit
Research has shown that even some of the most stress-resistant WA coral is susceptible to bleaching.