Archived News for Green Sector Professionals - February, 2018
The asbestos-riddled old Morwell Power Station and briquette factory has been granted heritage listing.
NEG discussion starts
Authorities have proposed allowing energy retailers to defer some of their emissions reductions under the NEG.
Report backs renewable 'love'
The Climate Council has released a report celebrating Australia’s “love affair” with renewable energy and battery storage.
Council clears way for free food
A Perth council has made it easier for residents to plant fruits and vegetables in local parks and reserves.
CSIRO completes DNA shark count
CSIRO has used an innovative new approach to estimate the size of white shark populations in Australian waters.
Land-clearing cases disappear
Reports say the NSW Government has effectively stopped prosecuting illegal land clearing.
Reef snaps catch gorgeous detail
Photographer Josh Smith has captured stunning aerial views of a struggling natural wonder.
Sea rise rate increasing
A study covering 25 years of satellite data shows the rate of global sea level rise is accelerating.
Uranium appeal dismissed
WA’s Supreme Court has dismissed an appeal to stop development of a uranium project in the Northern Goldfields.
Linc case hears safety warnings
A court has heard Linc Energy workers were told to drink milk and eat yoghurt to protect their stomachs from acid.
SA pumps up hydro studies
The South Australian government has announced grants for four pumped hydro projects.
Council studies tourism risk
The Climate Council says Australia’s iconic natural wonders are at risk.
APVMA move probed
The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) is facing a new inquiry.
Minister may have influenced river plan
Reports this week suggest former New South Wales primary industries minister Katrina Hodgkinson added her own changes to water reforms after consultations on the draft plan had ended.
Frack evidence questioned
Environmentalists have accused the NT Government and Origin Energy of misleading a hydraulic fracturing inquiry.
Labor opposes Murray moves
Labor says it will join with the Greens to block planned changes to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.
Oceanic plastic risks raised
Scientists are warning that microplastics in our oceans are posing a significant risk to filter-feeding marine animals like manta rays and whale sharks.
Ozone shift studied
The ozone layer above Antarctica is mending, but ozone levels are actually dropping in the lower stratosphere.
Spider finding splits views
The discovery of a 100-million-year-old spider species has split researchers.
Starfish mission cuts numbers
Volunteer divers have killed a record 47,000 crown-of-thorns starfish in seven days on the Great Barrier Reef.