Archived News for Green Sector Professionals - February, 2015
A simple fence could be the Achilles’ heel of cane toad invasion in rural areas.
Labor looks to wipe away LNP's dirty water
Aquatic environmental issues were a central part of Queensland Labor’s recent election bid, and with the party looking like it will take the state, some are wondering how much weight the promises will have.
Microbes spotted doing 2 billion years of nothing
Researchers have discovered evidence of a microorganism that has not evolved in more than 2 billion years, living in Western Australian waters.
Satellites trained on strained flows
The University of New South Wales is helping authorities spy on Australia from space.
Social views bend our stance on climate
Building public support for climate change policies must go further than just improving the public’s understanding of science, new research says.
Warming pause one of many random events
Those sheltered few who still believe man has no impact on the climate have had one of their central arguments debased.
Bengalla approval hinged on a few factors
The New South Wales Planning Assessment Commission (PAC) has given the green light to let Rio Tinto’s Bengalla mine keep running for the next 24 years.
Transporters seek green gauge
Authorities are looking to leap-frog legislators and come up with their own transport industry carbon emissions measurement.
Worms wrangled for tiny toxicity test
The humble roundworm could become a pioneer of modern scientific safety, as part of tests to measure the toxicity of nanoparticles.
Green light gets huge Watermark mine started
The NSW Planning Commission has given the green light to a new multi-billion dollar coal mine for the state.
Repeal falls short of forecast cuts
Figures out this week show the repeal of the carbon tax has not achieved the intended energy price reductions.