Extreme sea levels during heatwaves are becoming more frequent.

Major talks have outlined new plans for the management of the Murray-Darling Basin.

Researchers have called for unified water theft laws in the Murray-Darling Basin.

A new sustainability initiative imposes stricter standards for government contracting.

A set of stolen Indigenous artefacts have been returned to their community.

Researchers in the US say billions could be saved by a switch to green wastewater infrastructure.

Whale migrations could be slowed down by walls of noise.

Experts urge Victoria to bolster roads, electricity networks, and buildings against escalating extreme weather events.

South32 has assessed cyclone damage at one of its remote mines.

BHP is retaining its gas dependence to meet growing power demands.

A new generator converts CO2 into electricity.

Powercor, the electricity distribution giant, has pleaded guilty to 104 charges stemming from failures in vegetation management around power lines, which led to a dangerous bushfire.

Queensland is taking new steps on its path to sustainable energy and climate management.

Major investors are challenging Woodside Energy’s climate strategies ahead of the company’s AGM.

An international research team has recently introduced the most extensive and intricate 3D map of the universe ever produced.

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) will not return to Canberra, despite ...

Flinders University has conducted an extensive study on the current status of global blue whale populations.

A NSW court has imposed hefty fines on a wine company and its manager for illegal water extraction.

The Australian government has delayed plans to rewrite the nation's environmental laws.

Polyester pollution is disrupting seafloor ecosystems.

Experts say a new approach is needed to save Australia’s non-perennial rivers.

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