Archived News for Green Sector Professionals - June, 2017
Researchers have identified over 180 possible sites for pumped hydro energy storage across South Australia.
QLD stemming solar subsidy
The Queensland Government is looking at tightening the rules on how households with solar panels use and sell excess energy.
Coal polls low among energy views
Polling suggests Australians support a low emissions target over an ETS ...
Greens say Reef needs more money
The Queensland Government has been accused of applying a band-aid to the Great Barrier Reef.
Microbes' makeups revealed
Queensland researchers have released a decade’s worth of work on the genetic makeup of over 1000 microbes.
Overall agreement on ocean goals
The UN has issued an urgent call to improve the health and productivity of the world's oceans.
Gas packing could supplant tanks
Australian researchers have developed a way to store gas inside special materials, rather than pressurised tanks.
AGL unveils Torrens plan
AGL has announced plans for a new $295 million gas-fired power station at Torrens Island.
Norway takes up BP Bight plans
Norway’s Statoil has taken over permits to explore for oil in the Great Australian Bight.
Powerful papers outline middle ground
The long-awaited Finkel review has been released, offering a blueprint for Australia’s energy future.
Acidification feeds starfish
Crown-of-thorns starfish could grow faster as ocean acidification levels increase, a new study shows.
Cheap tech for hydro-splitting
Australian chemical engineers have invented a new, cheap catalyst for splitting water to produce hydrogen fuel.
Dams linked to bird exit
A 30-year-long study of Murray-Darling Basin wetlands has revealed the impact of dams and water diversion.
Reef targets risk being missed
A UN report warns that Queensland may not meet water quality targets for the Great Barrier Reef.
Unclear goals hard to hit
Regardless of the United States’ recent decision, researchers have questioned the ambiguity of Paris Agreement pledges.
Carmichael gets green light
Adani’s Carmichael mine is going ahead, with the Indian mining giant giving the green light to the first stage of the $16 billion megamine.
Big firms building power buffer
Telstra is protecting itself from power price rises by backing the construction of a $100 million solar farm in northern Queensland.
CSIRO power paper questioned
Reports say a new CSIRO paper has been tweaked to show gas power in a more favourable light.
Diarrhoea tops under-5 death toll
Diarrhoea still kills almost half a million children under 5 years old each year worldwide, despite the death toll being reduced by a third between 2005-2015.