Archived News for Green Sector Professionals - July, 2021
Questions have been raised about a perceived conflict of interest in an NT government gas contract.
Generational efforts in farm safety
This week is National Farm Safety Week; an annual campaign to raise awareness of farm safety issues in rural communities...
Delburn wind plans public
Plans have been unveiled for a 33-turbine wind farm overlooking the site of the former Hazelwood coal-fired power station in Victoria.
EU tariffs could hurt local firms
Australia risks falling on the unhelpful side of new European Union (EU) carbon tariffs.
Santos abandons Bight plans
Santos has given up its lease to explore for oil in the Great Australian Bight.
Controversial chemicals allowed near Reef
Roundup and glyphosate have been given the tick of approval for use in World Heritage wet tropics.
First Nations owed flows
The federal opposition says the Morrison Government is taking a “paternalistic” approach to Aboriginal water rights.
MDBA orders studies
The Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) wants data on water quality trends in the Murray River.
QLD calls for green funds
Queensland has asked for $500 million in federal funding to help the Great Barrier Reef.
Review plots illegal lizards
Experts have investigated the size of the illegal trade of Australian lizards.
Tandem cells tested
Japanese researchers have combined two new technologies to obtain higher solar-to-hydrogen conversion efficiency.
Big fine for car cartel
The European Union has accused major German car manufacturers of colluding to slow the development and rollout of car emission-control systems.
Friendly gas grants questioned
The Federal Government has awarded at least three gas contracts to a political donor and Liberal-linked company.
Ley denies kids' requirement
The Environment Minister is appealing a court’s ruling that she must protect young people from the impacts of greenhouse gases.
Carbon cut credits proposed
Experts have suggested charging companies for the future removal of their net carbon.
River history re-written
Experts say new findings on the ancient history of the River Murray could impact today’s management of the system.
Santos sees CCS need
The CEO of Santos says investment in carbon capture and storage (CCS) is critical to keeping money in fossil fuels.
Allocations leading to class action
Legal action is being launched over low water allocations in QLD.
Archeologists inform Hunter operations
Water authorities have brought in archaeologists to protect and learn from the land they manage.