Australian authorities are using Landsat data to revolutionise wetland management in Australia and Africa.

In the Pilbara region, iron ore mining has significantly impacted groundwater resources over the past two decades, but more sustainable approaches may be coming.

A $91 million federal investment has been made in a bid to slash over 1 million tonnes of climate pollution annually.

Experts say trillions of dollars in worker productivity could be lost due to eco-anxiety and ‘lie-back’ lifestyles.

Nations are negotiating a deep sea mining code as opposition mounts.

Electric vehicles (EVs) can provide critical backup power to the grid during blackouts and emergencies.

Andrew Forrest's ambitious venture into green hydrogen has faced a significant setback, resulting in job losses and project delays.

Plans for the world's largest renewable energy precinct have been approved by the Northern Territory EPA.

Australia's major banks have invested over $61 billion into fossil fuels since the Paris Agreement was signed eight years ago.

Australian companies may be able to avoid legal scrutiny under a new greenwashing law.

An international research team has successfully assembled the entire genome and 3D chromosomal structure of a 52,000-year-old woolly mammoth.

Demand for electricity from datacentres is expected to surge, potentially straining Australian energy supplies and driving up prices.

The Federal and Northern Territory governments have announced new investment in water security projects.

An inquiry has been launched into Greyhound Racing NSW in response to animal welfare allegations.

Researchers have looked at the climate patterns that occur alongside coral bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef.

Sydney's Cooks River could be renamed “Goolay'yari”, meaning “place of pelican dreaming” in local Aboriginal languages.

Researchers are working on ways to grow food crops with seawater.

Researchers from the ANU have captured some of the first-ever recorded evidence of blue whale reproduction.

Concerns have emerged in the wake of a significant factory fire in Melbourne's west.

The Federal Government has approved the development and operation of up to 151 new coal seam gas wells ...

Recent atmospheric auroras may have damaged electrical infrastructure.

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