Archived News for Green Sector Professionals
Some new doubt has emerged for plans to build a giant solar farm in the Northern Territory.
VPP pilot progresses
A Virtual Power Plant (VPP) pilot project in WA has put together its first package of residentially-generated energy.
Mine choice questioned
Reports say the company behind a controversial lead and zinc mine in the NT helped appoint its own independent regulator.
EPA checks salmon discharge
Authorities are investigating the effects of salmon farm discharge into a greater Hobart drinking water catchment.
Green needs relegated
Global climate action is being held back by war, the COVID-19 pandemic and politics.
Murray plan may rest on election
The $13 billion Murray Darling Basin Plan (MDBP) is likely to change after the upcoming federal election.
New light on reef risks
Great Barrier Reef management approaches may not adequately address threats to the reef or likely losses of species, habitats and processes.
Ocean foodbowl reviewed
Researchers are investigating whether the world’s oceans can support food demands under climate change.
Postcodes show local threats
A new web app allows users to search for threatened species in their postcode.
Turtle team fights flood effect
Experts are attempting to deal with a large increase in stranded, sick, and deceased marine turtles.
Map shows insurance risk
The Climate Council says one 25 Australian properties will be effectively uninsurable by 2030.
Climate to drive virus links
Climate change is predicted to increase the transmission of viruses from animals to humans.
LNP pledges hydrogen hubs
The Morrison government’s election campaign has seen “hydrogen hubs” pledged around the country.
Study calls for consumption cut
New research suggests the world must halve its energy use to avoid climate catastrophe.
Power prices rising fast
Reliance on old technology is pushing up Australia’s wholesale power prices, and could lead to higher bills for households.
Bloodworm teething revealed
Scientists have discovered new secrets of a bizarre, metal-toothed worm.
Dingo DNA shows gut difference
Researchers have sequenced the genome of a pure Desert Dingo, revealing the evolutionary position of the mysterious Australian animal.