The excellent efforts of a team of first-year engineers have been rewarded, celebrating the creative solutions to real-world problems that young minds can produce.

An energy legislation amendment bill is up for debate in Western Australia, the bill seeks to lay down rules for transport and storage of greenhouse gas in pipelines and the ground.

A single company now owns exploration rights to 2.04 million acres of New Zealand’s East Coast Basin.

Results have been published and appear promising for the development of a genetic treatment for mesothelioma; the deadly, asbestos-related form of cancer.

Suggestions have been tabled which could see governments hacking away at their health budgets and waistlines – with some better planning practices.

The mere proposal of a Federal Government plan to tax solar energy has led to 25,000 Australians making it known that they support cheap energy, regardless of how the big providers feel.

A 16-turbine wind farm will be built against the wishes of some residents, with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) ruling that wind farms do not cause health problems.

The Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) has defended its own existence, as the Federal Government continues its plan to shut-down the renewable-energy investor.

Australian researchers have looked to the great repository of innovation for their latest creation – pinching designs from nature to create exciting new materials.

A mining company has been fined $120,000 for the heavy pollution of waterways in Far North Queensland.

A new system developed by University of Adelaide engineers can model and predict temperatures within a building, promising significant reductions in commercial energy use.

A study led by University of Sydney scientists has had a long look back at the Great Barrier Reef’s history, probing deepwater fossils for the natural wonder’s life story.

Australian oil and gas company Santos Ltd. is sinking eighteen water monitoring bores around its operations in New South Wales – saying that if water tables are diminished or damaged, they will know about it.

A new project has been launched to find out exactly how the values of people in rural areas are affected by land use conflicts caused by CSG drilling, wind farms, irrigation and agriculture.

Airborne pollutants do more than just accumulate over time – we now know they contribute to the make-up of storm clouds, creating more direct weather effects.

With partial approval recently given to Queensland’s Abbot Point coal port terminal expansions, GVK Hancock and Aurizon have announced a plan to start building the rail infrastructure that will move millions of tonnes from the Galilee Basin to coastal ports.

A high-tech and hauntingly beautiful new safety system is on trial in the UK, lighting up the night in the name of cyclist safety.

Biting at the heels of NASA’s latest launch, the space agency is preparing to send up a rocket to probe the atmosphere of Venus.

A former industry executive has made the remarkable call for energy giant BHP to move toward environmentally sustainable technology and processes, while also trying to get a job on BHP’s executive board.

Industry insiders reporting from the UN-sponsored climate change talks in Warsaw say the solutions to the energy market’s effect on the environment are already here.

According to recent polls, the Federal Government’s plan to replace the carbon tax with a direct action policy has been as well-received as having no policy at all.

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