Researchers have completed a world-first mapping of the Australian tiger prawn genome.

The UN is sending scientists to visit the Great Barrier Reef as a coral bleaching risk rises.

Hoverfly brains have been mapped to detect the sound of distant drones.

The Federal Government has successfully avoided taking responsibility for protecting young people from climate change.

A NSW coal mine is back on the table after a string of legal issues.

Swedish scientists say spider silk can stabilise a cancer-suppressing protein.

A large chemical spill in Melbourne has left local waterways littered with dead fish.

Energy company AusNet has faced a blockade of farmers while attempting to scout new sites.

Australian billionaires are pouring money into the world’s largest solar and battery project.

Federal funding has been opened up for innovative hydrogen fuel projects.

A federal MP wants the Queensland Government to stop a wind farm development in Far North Queensland.

Scientists have come up with a new way to clean solar panels without using water.

The relationship between Parks Australia and Traditional Owners appears to be in dire straits.

CSIRO is helping Indonesia to tackle plastic pollution in the Indo-Pacific.

The Australian government pushed to soften the wording of the latest IPCC report to say the Great Barrier Reef is not yet in crisis.

The MDBA has launched new efforts to allow fish to swim more freely along 2,000 km of northern Basin rivers.

A study of tree rings and other data suggests NT water allocations may be too generous.

Researchers say they can now decode pigs’ emotions using their grunts.

Researchers predict that the next 20 years will bring big swings in La Niña and El Niño rainfall.

Santos's new offshore LNG field could produce more carbon dioxide than LNG.

A US-based recycling company is planning to build the largest plastic processing factory in Australia.

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