The Federal Government has announced an additional $38 million in spending initiatives aimed at improving the quality of water entering the Great Barrier Reef lagoon.

The program, titled Reef Rescue, is a multi-million dollar, five year plan designed to improve water quality entering the Great Barrier Reef lagoon to offset the impacts of climate change.

Minister for Agriculture, Senator Joe Ludwig, Environment Minister, Tony Burke, and Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Dr Mike Kelly, today announced funding for water quality grants and partnerships as part of the Reef Rescue program under Caring for our Country.

The Federal Government and the Greens have announced that the carbon price package prevents native forest woodchips being counted as a renewable energy fuel.

A new Climate Change Authority (CCA) is to be established to provide expert advice on the Federal Government’s carbon pricing mechanism. It will be chaired by the former Reserve Bank Governor and former Treasury Secretary Bernie Fraser.

A new Biodiversity Fund is to be established to support projects that deliver biodiversity and related environmental benefits under the Federal Government’s carbon price policy.

The City of Subiaco has been recognised as Western Australia's most Sustainable City for 2011.

An independent audit by WWF-Australia has praised efforts to build the National Reserve System as 'arguably the Australian Government's biggest conservation success story'.

Greenearth Energy Limited has announced that it has successfully concluded negotiations with Yeda Research and Development Co. Ltd., the commercial arm of Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science, for an exclusive, worldwide Research and Licence Agreement, which it will assign to an ultimate subsidiary company NEWCO2FUELS LTD (NewCo2Fuels), for a revolutionary technology that has the ability to convert CO2 emissions into fuel.

Recent data showing WA as having the lowest recycling rate in the nation could point to ineffective use of funds being collected through the State Government’s landfill levy, according to the Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA).

The Tasmanian Minister for Environment, Brian Wightman, has announced the appointment of two new members to the board of Tasmania’s Environment Protection Authority.

Decreasing autumn and winter rainfall over southern Australia has been attributed to a 50-year decrease in the average intensity of storms in the region – a trend which is forecast to continue for another 50 years.

The Australian Industry Group today released an independent report by Ernst and Young which assesses the Government and Opposition climate change policies.

Ai Group Chief Executive, Heather Ridout, said: "This timely analysis was commissioned in the understanding that whether it's the Government or Opposition who ultimately determine the direction of climate policy, both sides share the same very challenging targets and business will bear a major share of the burden of adjustment."

The report was commissioned by Ai Group to help members and the broader community understand and assess the two major proposals to reduce Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions. Ernst & Young's independent assessment considered the Government and the Opposition policies (as currently understood) against principles Ai Group has developed in consultation with members to guide our contributions to the climate change policy debate. Ernst & Young was also asked to develop constructive suggestions for improvement where the policies fell short of these principles.

"Ernst and Young found that as they currently stand, neither the Government nor the Opposition policies fully meet our principles for climate policy. Both need significant improvements in critical areas, and the report makes constructive suggestions for such improvements," Mrs Ridout said.

"In Ai Group's view the parties have considerable work left to flesh out their policies. We support the recommendations of this report for improving both sets of policies.

"In particular, based on the Ernst and Young report, we believe that to meet Ai Group principles the Government policy needs to:

The NSW Government has announced two reviews of renewable energy policy at its recent Solar and Renewable Energy Summit.

A research paper highlighting key flaws with the current climate policy options has been released by the Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA).

Research at the University of Melbourne and the Bureau of Meterology has overturned conventional ideas of ocean circulation.

Australian researchers have invented nanotech solar cells that are thin, flexible and use one hundredth the materials of conventional solar cells.

Sustainability Victoria and the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) have not effectively fulfilled their roles in managing municipal solid waste and implementing the Victorian Towards Zero Waste Strategy, according to a report by the Victorian Auditor-General.

A letter signed by eight leading ecologists, all members of the Australian Academy of Science, has expressed concern that there is a lack of scientific input to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority’s  (MDBA) water plan.

The Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) has announced that it backs a price on carbon, provided it is accompanied by complementary measures that support the property and construction industry.

Siemens Ltd together with the City of Melbourne and Federation Square have joined together to release critical productivity research designed to bring Melbourne back to the liveability standards of #2 and #3 in the world with the release of new Picture the Future Productivity research addressing population growth, emissions intensity and urban congestion for Melbourne and Victoria.

The Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke has approved Inpex's Ichthys Browse Basin project, including a gas field facility, pipeline and processing facility, under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999, subject to environmental conditions

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