Following meetings in Adelaide over the weekend, the Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council has agreed to push back the starting date to 2019 for all communities in the Murray Darling Basin to adjust to diversion limits.

The agreement will push the agreed date back from the original 2014 timetable and will mean that extraction amounts will not be finalized for another seven years.

The decision by the ministerial council, which is comprised of ministers from the South Australian and New South Wales state governments, has drawn heavy criticism from the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF).

Germany has announced its intentions to shut down all of its 17 nuclear power plants by 2022 amid a strong political revival of the country’s Green Party.

Recent findings published by the ABC have shown that substantial amounts of electronic waste, such as monitors, computers and televisions, are being smuggled off-shore to be handled by developing nations.

Australian entrepreneur Dick Smith has slammed the Australian government’s ‘Sustainable Strategy’ as “meaningless calls for sustainability” that serves only to “accelerate us towards the precipice”.

The Federal Government has announced that 46% of all revenue raised by the Government’s proposed carbon tax would be allocated to industry, while the majority of the rest being injected into households.

A new report that sets out three reform options to ensure Australia's water sector has been released by the National Water Commission.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has called for development of green centred economic growth and labor development.

The Green’s plan to build a carbon neutral economy before 2050 by banning coal mines has drawn criticism from Queensland Premier Anna Bligh, who has labeled the plan as fanciful and liable to cause an economic and social catastrophe in her state.

The Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) has reported that it will require $38 million in funding this financial year while new research shows that less than 3000 gigalitres will be required for environmental flow.

A joint research report compiled by CSIRO and major aviation industry representatives shows that economically and environmentally beneficial aviation fuel is a viable proposition in the coming 20 years.

Scientists in the CRC for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment (CRC CARE) are working on ways to turn one of the nation’s major urban organic wastes into a safe source of fertility for the continent’s depleted soils.

The Queensland Minister for the Environment Kate Jones has announced the final damage cost for the state’s parks, saying that over $20 million will be required to repair Queensland’s parks and forests.

The Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) has promised to consider the findings of the Windsor Inquiry after it was announced the findings will be delayed from its original May release date.

The Victorian Government has released its first ‘Living Melbourne, Living Victoria’ roadmap for urban water usage and reform.

Researchers have begun a project to create the first global tool to forecast how changes in wave patterns and rising sea levels will affect beach erosion. 

Mount Alexander Shire council has announced that it has beaten its own emissions reductions councils by 8%.

The New South Wales Government is facing a class action suit supported by hundreds of disaffected solar unit installers and homeowners following the Government’s decision to significantly reduce its solar unit tariff program.

The Federal Greens are pushing for the goal of establishing a carbon neutral economy before 2050, saying “The Climate [Change] Commission's (CCC) first report sets out the clear scientific case that Australia must move swiftly to build a zero carbon economy well before 2050”.

The peak Australian Government climate change agency, the Climate Change Commission (CCC), has written its most candid assessment of the world’s climate issues to date, saying that ‘there is no doubt that the climate is changing. The evidence is overwhelmingly clear’.

Researchers from the University of Utah are currently working on technology that stands to revolutionize the future of the electric car; the promise of roads that recharge the car that uses it.

The Queensland State Government has proposed substantial savings after it promised to ‘take a razor to green tape in Queensland’.

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