Companies from a range of industries including GE, AGL, Linfox, Fujitsu, BP, Better Place, IKEA, Kell & Rigby, Alstom, Pottinger, ARTC and Pacific Hydro have released a joint statement to back a carbon price.


In a joint statement, the companies said:
“As major Australian and international corporations and representative associations operating across the Australian economy we strongly support the introduction of a well-designed carbon price to support the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Australia must aim to be globally competitive in clean energy, energy efficiency and low-carbon technology. Pricing carbon is critical to providing business certainty and unlocking the jobs and investment that will accompany the transition to a prosperous, cleaner and internationally-competitive economy.

As the costs of action are outweighed by the costs of delay the carbon price should be implemented as soon as possible. A price should be accompanied by appropriate transitional assistance for households and trade-exposed industry, as well as complementary measures that reduce emissions at least economic cost.
We look forward to working with the Multi-Party Climate Change Committee and all members of Parliament as they implement a carbon price.”

The companies are urging others to join them. A second group of small and medium-sized enterprises is currently forming to further endorse the statement.

The organisations represent a diverse range of industries including transport, infrastructure, IT, energy, capital, construction and resources.

The coalition is urging more businesses to pledge their support and work with the Multi-Party Climate Change Committee to shape a carbon price mechanism which will promote investment in cleaner business practices, improve international competitiveness, grow more jobs and help Australia reduce its carbon intensity.

To join the coalition, contact Ben Waters, Commercial Director, GE: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Renewable energy firm, CBD Energy has signed a joint venture agreement with two of China’s largest renewable energy companies with the aim of developing $6 billion of renewable energy projectsand a third of the Australian renewable energy market over the next eight years.

BHP Billiton has moved to get government approval of its plan to expand its Port Hedland operations, with the release of its public environmental review and draft environmental impact statement on the development.

National Greenhouse Accounts released by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency show carbon pollution is continuing to rise, highlighting the need for action on climate change.

La Trobe University, Melbourne is proud to present Responsible Futures, which follows the establishment of sustainability governance and management structures at the University. 

The Federal Government has approved construction of the $104.7 million Kogan Creek Solar Boost project near Chinchilla in Queensland.

About 50 high-emitting polluters would pay two-thirds of the government's carbon tax take, Climate Change Minister Greg Combet told the National Press Club as he hinted at a carbon price at the lower end of predictions.

The Queensland Government has launched its Cleantech Industry Development Strategy, setting out measures to support the environmental services, green building and materials, clean energy, resource recovery and recycling, sustainable transport, and water and wastewater management sectors.

A national Clean 21 Technology Innovation Network has been established by the Australian Government to help small and medium businesses reduce running costs and become more competitive and sustainable.

A new environmental rating system is needed for vehicles because its current model is flawed and irrelevant in Australia, according to research by the University of South Australia.

A new web guide to sustainability in higher education has been launched.

Environment Minister Tony Burke has announced members of an advisory group to inform the Federal Government’s development of a National Wildlife Corridors Plan, to be chaired by former Environment Minister Bob Debus.

A new manufacturing process using organic fibres to make planks for shipping pallets, developed by Biofiba Limited, based at Gosford, NSW, has been awarded funding of up to $1.97 million from CSIRO’s Australian Growth Partnership (AGP).

Member nations of the CEM, which was launched in July last year, collectively represent 80 per cent of the world's energy consumption and over 90 per cent of the world's clean energy investment.

The Grattan Institute has released a new report, entitled, Learning the hard way: Australian policies to reduce carbon emissions, which assesses the outcome of 300 programs to tackle climate change introduced by Australian governments since the Kyoto Protocol in 1997.

The report analyses four kinds of carbon abatement instruments: market mechanisms; rebates; energy efficiency standards; and grant tendering schemes.

Of all the measures analysed, market mechanisms, such as a carbon trading scheme, have delivered the greatest emissions reductions and have met targets ahead of time.

By contrast, $7 billion of grant-tendering schemes – upfront grants to companies for proposals to reduce emissions – have done very little to reduce greenhouse pollution.

Governments have also spent $5 billion on rebate programs to encourage the purchase of low-emission products. Again, the impact on emissions growth has been minimal.

A fourth kind of program – energy efficiency standards – can reduce emissions cheaply and effectively, but is limited in scope.

Based on experience, only an economy-wide carbon price (a type of market mechanism) can meet Australia’s 2020 target, endorsed by both main political parties, of reducing annual emissions by five per cent below 2000 levels.

The report was written by John Daley, CEO and Tristan Edis, Research Fellow at the Grattan Institute.

It can be downloaded at

A Queensland farmer, a Tasmanian journalist and a council planner from mid-coast NSW have been named among National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility’s (NCCARF) first Climate Adaptation Champions.

A leader and recognised expert in the field of water management and quality, Adjunct Professor Don Bursill AM, has been appointed as South Australia’s new Chief Scientist.

Nominations have opened for the 2011 Western Australian Coastal Awards for Excellence.

With debate continuing about the Government’s proposed carbon price, the Australian Trucking Association (ATA) has commissioned a major research study into the environmental credentials of the trucking industry.

The study is being prepared by The Centre for International Economics (TheCIE) and will provide evidence about how the industry has improved its environmental performance, before looking at possible future developments, including:

The Australian Centre for Renewable Energy (ACRE) has released its Strategic Directions report setting out priorities for renewable energy technology development and recommends initiatives to support its development, commercialisation and large scale deployment.

Australia has the opportunity to play a leading role in international efforts to increase the deployment of renewable energy technologies and drive down their costs with its election to the Council of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

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