Victorians have lost confidence in the ability of the state's Environment Protection Authority to do its job, according to a highly critical internal review.

It found the EPA had become confused about its role as an environmental regulator, had lost focus on prosecuting businesses and become ''fractured, reactive and inconsistent''.

The internal investigation was ordered last year by EPA chief executive John Merritt after damning external reviews by the Victorian Ombudsman and Auditor-General.

The Federal Minister for Climate Change, Greg Combet has announced an independent Climate Commission, appointing a leading science communicator, Professor Tim Flannery, as Chief Commissioner.

The Australian Government has announced funding for priority adaptation research into preparing Australia for the impacts of climate change.

The Federal government has appointed a  Built Environment Supplier Advocate, Mr John Gaskin, who will help Australian companies identify opportunities and promote their interests in making major building projects and procurements more sustainable. 

The Western Australian Government has called for applications for funding from community and conservation groups through the 2011 Riverbank Grants Scheme for projects to help protect the Swan Canning Riverbank.

The Victorian Government has advised the Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) that it does not support the Guide to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan in its current form.

Releasing Victoria's submission to the Guide to the Basin Plan, the Minister for Water Peter Walsh said that the Victorian Government believes the social and economic impacts of the guide are not yet properly understood.

"It is absolutely vital that the findings of the two Commonwealth Parliamentary inquiries into these matters are fully considered before the proposed Basin plan is released for public consultation."

Mr Walsh said with enough water to meet the environment's needs for at least two years, the authority has more time to get the plan right.

"An effective Basin plan will include environmental engineering works and infrastructure investment to get measurable water savings for the environment, rather than drastic cuts in water entitlements held by food producers.

"It involves rebuilding relationships so that regional communities enraged by a divisive process after the guide's release can contribute local solutions for their valleys."

Mr Walsh said a new process would:

Murray-Darling basin reform has been further stymied by a senate inquiry that will investigate whose interpretation of the Water Act is correct - Water Minister Tony Burke’s or former Murray Darling Basin Authority chairman Mike Taylor’s.

Annual emissions projections released by the Federal Government demonstrate that Australia’s emissions will rise steeply without decisive and effective new policy action.

The Federal Government’s climate change adviser Ross Garnaut has labelled Australia one of the largest drags on global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The Federal Environment Minister, Tony Burke, has approved funding of up to $68.5 million for five new biodiversity research hubs over the next four years  under the Australian Government's National Environmental Research Program (NERP).

CSIRO research has shown that some mining by-products can be effective in preventing nutrients from entering river systems, thereby reducing the potential for algal blooms.

The Chair of the Coasts and Climate Change Council, Professor Tim Flannery, has submitted the Coasts and Climate Change Council’s end of term report to the Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Greg Combet.

The New South Wales Government admits it may have accidentally approved logging in old-growth forests in the north-east of the State.

The South Australian Government has allocated $14.7 million to fund 47 new and continuing Natural Resource Management projects to help deliver key environmental objectives.

A review into the effectiveness of the Energy Efficiency Opportunities (EEO) Program has found that it is helping large corporations change their behaviour and reduce both energy use and emissions.

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