Archived News for Green Sector Professionals
The Queensland Geothermal Energy Centre of Excellence (QGECE) has been officially opened at the University of Queensland, with funding of $15 million from the Queensland Government allocated in 2007.
The QGECE is headed by Director, Professor Hal Gurgenci, and overseen by a board chaired by Professor Trevor Grigg. It is undertaking research and development to progress large-scale electricity generation from subterranean hot rocks and hot sedimentary aquifers.
Research includes electricity transmission and power network modelling; geothermal reservoir exploration, characterisation and management; plus development of new turbines and cooling systems to optimise geothermal power plant production and efficiency.
CSIRO reviews Carbon Farming Initiative
The CSIRO has published a review of the Federal Government’s proposed Carbon Farming Initiative in the organization’s ECOS magazine.
Inquiry into impact of coal seam gas mining on the Murray Darling Basin
The Senate Rural Affairs and Transport References Committee has called for submissions to its inquiry into the impact of mining of coal seam gas on the management of the Murray Darling Basin.
Federal Government launches sustainable population strategy
The Federal Government has announced the Sustainable Australia - Sustainable Communities strategy which aims to outline ‘key directions’ to population changes that ‘support the economic, environmental and social wellbeing’ of Australia.
International Energy Centre to open
The universities of Queensland, Newcastle, Monash and Western Australia have committed to a joint venture in the foundation of the International Energy Centre (IEC) to be opened by 2012.
Budget axes green programs
The Federal Budget has axed a number of failing green initatives in the country’s 2011-12 Budget.
$181.4 million for National Urban Policy
The Federal Government has announced the formation of a new National Urban Policy, providing $181.4 designed to ‘progress a range of practical measures which will promote more productive, sustainable and liveable cities.’
$5 million for alternative fuel research
James Cook university has been allocated $5 million from the Federal Government’s $20 million Biofuels Research institute to establish a ‘foundation project’ to oversee the development of a ‘significant next-generation’ Biofuels Study
Federal Budget announces renewable energy initiatives
The Federal Government has announced significant injections for the renewable energy sector after the handing down of the Federal Budget.
Funding for Biofuels Research Institute
As part of its commitment to establish the $20 million Australian Biofuels Research Institute, the Federal budget has provided $5 million for a foundation project at James Cook University in Townsville.
South Australian EPA chief executive to retire
The Chief Executive of the South Australian Environmental Protection Authority Helen Fulcher has advised the SA Government she will retire when her contract ends on August 31 this year.
Draft South-West marine reserves released for community consultation
A draft marine bioregional plan and a Commonwealth marine reserve network proposal for the South-west Marine Region have been released for public consultation.
NSW Government announces offshore reef construction
The NSW Government has announced plans for an artificial reef to be constructed off the coast of Sydney.
Federal Government releases NGER consultation draft
The Federal Government has released the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) (Measurement) Amendment Determination 2011 consultation draft for public comment.
Funding for Ballarat's green waste power initiative
The Victorian Government has announced the allocation of $50,000 for a feasibility study of generation of sustainable energy from Ballarat’s organic waste in the 2011-12 Victorian State Budget.
Victorian budget environment initiatives announced
The Victorian Government has released its 2011-12 budget, displaying an increased spending on green initiatives.
$10.7 million China-Australia solar cell collaboration
A $10.7 million collaborative research project into energy efficiency of photovoltaic solar cells between the Australian National University and Trina Solar has been launched in Canberra.
ACT environment budget for 2011-12 announced
The ACT has funded a number of new and continuing environmental and civil management initiatives in its 2010-11 budget.