Archived News for Green Sector Professionals
Recently released National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) data have shown that emissions of a range of common air pollutants dropped slightly in 2009–10.
The NPI data identified long-term trends showing that emissions of a range of common air pollutants such as carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, sulfur dioxide and total volatile organic compounds have either decreased slowly or remained steady. National emissions of lead and its compounds have also continued to decrease.
The NPI, which is prepared by the Australian government in partnership with state and territory governments, includes data on 93 substances emitted into the environment from over 4200 industry and non-industry sources.
Interim Kelty report on Tasmanian forests released
Bill Kelty’s interim report on Tasmanian Forests has been submitted to the Senate and released publicly, setting out recommendations on how he believes the conflict over the future of the Tasmanian timber industry could be resolved.
Caring for our Country grants available
Proposals for land care and environment projects from across the nation are invited under the Caring for our Country 2011-12 business plan.
Australia climbs international clean energy ranking
The international environment agency, The Pew Charitable Trusts, has released a report that ranks Australia in 12th position in G20 countries - behind Brazil, Canada, Spain, France, India and Japan, but ahead of the UK - in terms of investment in clean energy.
Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Forum meets
Ministers from across the Murray-Darling Basin have met to progress a collaborative and inclusive approach for governments and communities to develop and implement a plan for the Basin in which a healthy river system underpins strong and viable communities.
ACCI adopts Carbon Tax Resolution
The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), comprised of all State and Territory Chambers of Commerce and 28 National Industry Associations, has passed a resolution on the proposed carbon tax, ramining opposed to a unilateral carbon tax in the absence of similar policy action by major emitting nations and Australia's export competitors.
CSIRO launches climate change science book
CSIRO has launched Climate Change: Science and Solutions for Australia to help inform business, government, and the community about the many issues that need to be addressed in response to climate change.
Government avoids carbon tax speculation
The Federal Government says it is too early to speculate how much the proposed carbon tax would increase household expenses, after Treasury documents revealed it may add almost $900 a year to bills.
WA cuts environmental approval time to boost resources projects
The WA Government is claiming to have reduced the time taken to obtain environmental approvals while at the same time increasing approvals for major resource projects.
Final winners in Green Car Innovation Fund announced
Two final projects have been awarded funding under the Australian Government’s Green Car Innovation Fund for a Greener Future .
Garnaut calls for clean technology funding and a national electricity market
Two new papers have been released by Professor Ross Garnaut as part of his Climate Change Review for the Australian Government.
Government sets out carbon price schedule
The Federal Government has announced that the carbon price scheme will begin on 1 July 2012, subject to the passage of legislation to be introduced in the Spring sittings of Parliament.
New centre for green telecommunications
A new Centre for Energy Efficient Telecommunications (CEET) has been launched in Melbourne with the focus on innovation in energy efficient networks and telecommunications infrastructure with the aim to reduce the industry's impact on the environment.
Fund for Bass Strait islands renewable energy
A new fund has been launched by the Tasmanian Government to develop renewable energy projects for the Bass Strait islands.
Toolkit developed to establish carbon forests
The sister cities of Blacktown City Council and Liverpool Plains Shire Council have produced a toolkit that deals with establishing carbon forests in urban and rural environments.
First firms sign up to GBCA communities initiative
HASSELL and Tract Consultants have become the first organisations in Australia to sign up to the Green Star Communities Supporter initiative developed by the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA).
Federal Government gives go-ahead to Wandoan coal mine
The Federal Government has given conditional environmental approval to the Xstrata Coal's proposed mine at Wandoan on Queensland's Western Darling Downs.
NT Government releases draft vegetation management bill
The Northern Territory Government has released its proposed changes to the Pastoral Land Act and details of the planned Native Vegetation Management Bill for comment.
Carbon Farming Initiative legislation introduced
Legislation has been introduced to Parliament to establish the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) and start rewarding farmers and other landholders taking action to reduce carbon pollution.
Study calls for funding to save Kimberley species
A CSIRO-led study has concluded that up to 45 native species in Western Australia's Kimberley region will die out within 20 years if no action is taken.
Queensland Household Energy Survey released
A survey undertaken by the Queensland Government-owned energy companies Ergon Energy, ENERGEX and Powerlink Queensland has found that while Queenslanders are increasingly aware of the need to reduce energy consumption, the ownership and use of air-conditioning in households across the state is continuing to rise.