Archived News for Green Sector Professionals
The Northern Territory Government has announced funding for environment projects totalling more than $90 million in its 2011-12 budget, released on Monday.
Climate Change
$4.14 million under the Territory Government’s Climate Change Policy, including:
Victoria boosts funding for low emission energy technology innovation
The Victorian Coalition Government has increased funding for the Energy Technology Innovation Strategy (ETIS) by $41 million in its 2011-12 budget, announced on Tuesday.
Rail loses out to roads on government spending
New analysis shows governments across Australia are spending at least four times more on building roads and bridges than on public transport infrastructure.
Coffs Harbour Coastal Hazards Study released
A study of predicted coastal erosion and inundation on the Coffs Harbour coastline due to extreme weather events and sea level rise has been published as the first step in developing a strategy to tackle any possible risk areas.
Carnegie Wave Energy activates first commercial-scale CETO unit
Carnegie Wave Energy is the first company in the southern hemisphere to generate electricity from the ocean's wave, after successfully activating its first commercial-scale CETO unit off Garden Island in Western Australia.
WA rangelands discussion paper released
The Western Australian Department of Regional Development and Lands has released a discussion paper for public comment detailing proposed tenure options for the rangelands under its Rangelands Reform Program.
ACCC to allow waste paint collection trial
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has granted authorization to the Australian Paint Manufacturers Federation (APMF) to conduct a waste paint collection trial over a 12 month period throughout Victoria.
Advisory Board appointed to climate change research facility
The National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) has announced the appointment of an NCCARF Advisory Board to guide the facility through its operational phase from 2011-2013.
Further consultation for Tax Breaks for Green Buildings program
The Government has announced it will conduct further consultations around the Tax Breaks for Green Buildings program to deliver the best outcomes for industry.
Tasmania launches $30 million Renewable Energy Loan Scheme
The Tasmanian Government has launched a new program to help Tasmanian businesses invest in renewable energy.
Land Sector Working Group announced
The Federal Government has announced the members of the Land Sector Working Group to examine the benefits and opportunities for the land sector under a carbon price.
ECU in research collaboration with Rio Tinto Dampier Salt
The Edith Cowan University has entered a new research collaboration agreement with Dampier Salt Ltd (DSL), part of the Rio Tinto group, which will pave the way for a series of research opportunities in Australia’s north west.
Roaring 40's fizzles
The joint 'Roaring 40's' joint wind farm construction project between Hydro Tasmania and China Light and Power (CLP) is to be dissolved.
Natural Resource Management Strategy for Southern Tasmania released
The Natural Resource Management Strategy for Southern Tasmania 2010-2015 has been launched by the State's Minister for Environment, Parks and Heritage Brian Wightman.
Industry joins to back carbon price
Companies from a range of industries including GE, AGL, Linfox, Fujitsu, BP, Better Place, IKEA, Kell & Rigby, Alstom, Pottinger, ARTC and Pacific Hydro have released a joint statement to back a carbon price.
Renewable energy joint venture targets $6b projects
Renewable energy firm, CBD Energy has signed a joint venture agreement with two of China’s largest renewable energy companies with the aim of developing $6 billion of renewable energy projectsand a third of the Australian renewable energy market over the next eight years.
BHP Billiton releases Port Hedland expansion environmental review
BHP Billiton has moved to get government approval of its plan to expand its Port Hedland operations, with the release of its public environmental review and draft environmental impact statement on the development.
National Greenhouse Accounts released
National Greenhouse Accounts released by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency show carbon pollution is continuing to rise, highlighting the need for action on climate change.
Responsible Futures, La Trobe University’s first sustainability report
La Trobe University, Melbourne is proud to present Responsible Futures, which follows the establishment of sustainability governance and management structures at the University.
Queensland integrated solar – coal electricity facility to go ahead
The Federal Government has approved construction of the $104.7 million Kogan Creek Solar Boost project near Chinchilla in Queensland.